Cory Doctorow’s Attack Surface is a standalone hacker thriller set in the world of New York Times bestsellers Little Brother and Homeland. In her day job at a transnational cybersecurity firm, Masha makes the hacks that allow repressive regimes to spy on dissidents. But, for fun and to ease her conscience, Masha sometimes uses her skills to help those troublemakers evade detection. When her targets were strangers, she could compartmentalize. But when the hacks she’s devised are directed at her friends—Masha must finally choose: the winning side or the right side? And whatever choice, someone’s going to get hurt. The Cambridge Dictionary describes an activist as “a person who believes strongly in political or social change and takes part in activities such as public protests to try to make this happen”. However, acts of digital activism can look vastly different from one another. They range from reserving tickets to a rally that you’ll never attend to participating in digital marches to learn and support. The following books all look at some part of digital activism and trying to be an activist in today’s world. Please be aware that every one of these books covers content that can be triggering and take care of yourselves. TW: Racism and racial slurs, police brutality TW: Racism and racial slurs, police brutality TW: Sexual assault TW: School shooting, PTSD TW: Racism and racial slurs, police brutality TW: Sexual assault TW: Sexual assault

8 of the Best Books About Digital Activism - 978 of the Best Books About Digital Activism - 808 of the Best Books About Digital Activism - 588 of the Best Books About Digital Activism - 178 of the Best Books About Digital Activism - 758 of the Best Books About Digital Activism - 548 of the Best Books About Digital Activism - 168 of the Best Books About Digital Activism - 758 of the Best Books About Digital Activism - 168 of the Best Books About Digital Activism - 5