This Sci-Fi/Fantasy adventure is set in the fictional town of Piure, California, where the multidimensional powers of 16-year-old Adam have bent his moral compass beyond understanding. His pessimism sinks him deeper into a void after his supernatural abilities ascend, until Afro-Russian teen, Carly Wit, arrives to help him cope, by showing him he isn’t the only one of his kind. The duo explore the obligations and consequences that come along with mind-boggling superpowers while discovering their Russian ancestry. These complex characters are faulty, but strong, and each of them, determined to better the world by bettering themselves. I’ve been saying it’s time for Young Adult urban fantasy and paranormal to come back around in a big way and these books about supernatural teens are a great step in that direction.

Books About Supernatural Teens

The sequel Vicious Spirits came out this year and is a great addition.

9 of the Best Books About Supernatural Teens - 499 of the Best Books About Supernatural Teens - 619 of the Best Books About Supernatural Teens - 379 of the Best Books About Supernatural Teens - 419 of the Best Books About Supernatural Teens - 459 of the Best Books About Supernatural Teens - 569 of the Best Books About Supernatural Teens - 759 of the Best Books About Supernatural Teens - 939 of the Best Books About Supernatural Teens - 909 of the Best Books About Supernatural Teens - 69 of the Best Books About Supernatural Teens - 48