Aries (March 21–April 19)

Happy Birthday, Aries! This is a great month for you to start a new venture. Whether it’s travel, a new job, or a big project, try something out of your comfort zone. The stars show great health and strong finances for you in April, so take advantage of this moment. This month also promises great opportunities for romance, especially if you take the lead. You might enjoy When We Left Cuba (April 9, Berkley Books) by Chanel Cleeton. Beatriz lost her home and her twin brother when her family was exiled during the Cuban Revolution. She’s offered a chance for revenge when the CIA recruits her to infiltrate Fidel Castro’s inner circle.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

You tend to be a little hard headed, and this month is no exception. Tauruses know what they want and refuse to let anything block their paths. In April, your strong will may lead to some conflict with family, friends, and colleagues. It’s fine to be confrontational, but make sure it’s productive. Listen to others’ input and be willing to change your plan when needed. Check out Upon a Burning Throne (April 16, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), a new epic fantasy by Ashok K. Banker, inspired by the Indian classic The Mahabharata. In the turbulent Burnt Empire, mortals walk among demigods and demons. Three young potential heirs to the emperor’s throne must pass The Test of Fire to learn who will lead.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

You’re feeling good this month, Gemini. Successes in the past few months have boosted your self-esteem, giving you the energy and drive to reach your goals. Professional life is a big focus for you in April, which may cause some tension between you and your family. Be conscious of where you’re spending your energy and be honest with your loved ones. Read a book that plays with structure and form, like Susan Choi’s Trust Exercise (April 2, Henry Holt & Company). Two students at a prestigious performing arts high school fall passionately into first love. When their charismatic acting teacher begins to manipulate their emotions, they struggle to find the line between reality and performance.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Leos will make tangible progress toward personal and professional goals this month. Things are coming together for you in a very satisfying way. With lots of energy and increased focus, it’s a great time to get things done. However, your focus on your personal goals may cause some tension in love relationships. Make sure your significant other doesn’t feel neglected. Check out a thrilling mystery, like courtroom drama Miracle Creek (April 16, Sarah Crichton Books) by Angie Kim. Two Korean immigrants are in charge of an experimental medical device in rural Virginia. When the device causes a fatal explosion, are they at fault? Or was the experiment sabotaged?

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Everything is going your way in April, Virgo! Whether it’s luck or karma, good things will land in your lap this month. As a methodical and practical person, you don’t like to leave things to chance. But that’s no reason to turn down a good opportunity! Take advantage of your luck and look for ways to utilize new social connections. It will pay off later in the year. You might enjoy Fumbled (April 23, Berkley Books), a charming new romance by Alexa Martin. Poppy is a single mother working hard to build the life she wants for herself and her son. When she crosses paths with her high school sweetheart, now an NFL starting wide receiver, their romance is reignited.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Libras will need to put in a little extra effort this month to see results. Professional goals will be blocked at every turn, but problems won’t be insurmountable. Gather support from colleagues to make progress. There are also wonderful opportunities for romance in April, but you will need to take the lead and be clear about your intentions. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone! Read an insightful coming-of-age novel, like Boy Swallows Universe (April 2, Harper) by Trent Dalton. Australian preteen Eli is on the cusp of discovering the man he will one day be. But with a lost father, an incarcerated mother, and a drug dealing stepfather, he finds himself looking to the most steady person in his life: a notorious prison escapee.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

April will be full of joy for you, Scorpio. Your love life is fun and exciting this month, and others are drawn to your charismatic nature. Time spent growing your social circle will pay off, and interesting new people may enter your life. You’re also in great health throughout April, so take advantage of your extra energy by getting outside or exercising. You might enjoy I Miss You When I Blink (April 2, Atria Books), a new memoir-in-essays by Mary Laura Philpott. After Philpott checked off all the items on her to-do list for a successful life, she realized life didn’t look like she planned. In this book, she explores how making mistakes can lead to self-discovery.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

You’re in a spring break state of mind this month, Sagittarius. As one of the biggest travelers of the zodiac, the change in weather makes you anxious to hit the road. Take advantage of opportunities to travel in April, especially with close friends or your significant other. With vacation on the brain, it may be hard to focus on your career. Save big professional goals for next month. Check out Days by Moonlight (April 2, Coachhouse Books) by André Alexis. A botanist and a professor set off on a journey to learn more about a mysterious poet. Their search leads them on a road trip through a fantastical Ontarian underworld.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

When tension arises this month, you must act as the peacemaker. Others look to you to be the level-headed, responsible one. Your grounded nature will come in handy in April at work and at home. With all of this emotional labor, your energy and health are questionable this month. Be sure to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. It’s also a great time to focus on educational pursuits. Read fast-paced fantasy, like Descendant of the Crane (April 9, Albert Whitman Company) by Joan He. When her father is found dead, Hesina finds herself thrust into the role of queen and ruling over an unstable kingdom. Can she use her position of power to find out who killed her father?

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

April is the perfect time for educational pursuits for Aquariuses. You’re looking to expand your mind, and opportunities to do so abound this month. Take a class, attend a workshop, or read up on a new topic. Professional development may also lead to a change in your career direction. Use this time to think about where you would like to be and how you would like to grow. I recommend The Book of the Moon: A Guide to Our Closest Neighbor (April 9, Abrams Image) by Maggie Aderin-Pocock. It’s an accessible and informative guide to the moon, including lunar history, science, art, and legend. Once you’ve read it, you’ll never look at the moon the same way again.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Family will take up much of your time this month, Pisces. Your loved ones are looking to you for help. It’s important to you to provide support, both emotionally and financially, and you have the means to do so in April. Your career is booming this month, and opportunities for advancement may come your way. Don’t forget to practice self care between energy spent at home and at work. Lean into your emotions with some powerful poetry, like In a Dream You Saw a Way to Survive (April 9, Andrews McMeel Publishing) by Clementine von Radics. This moving collection explores love, loss, mental health, and the highs and lows of the human experience. Looking for more? Check out your January, February, and March horoscopes and book recommendations!

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